
About The Public Value Studio

Whether it is to inform policy, deliver projects, or to design programs, The Public Value Studio starts with finding what the community values and builds from there.

The Public Value Studio works with government and its stakeholders. Its focus is on policy and program development, implementation and evaluation as well as public management models.

How do we define ‘public value’?

Public value is the use of public resources in order to create collectively agreed outcomes.

Public value is sustained, it is connected, it takes public resources such as infrastructure, funding or public services and finds ways to best use these resources to build social capital.

Public value is more than a summation of the individual preferences of those that have the loudest voice or most influence. It involves coming to an understanding of what is collectively valued through the inclusion and equal participation of all stakeholders.

The Public Value Studio Principles

Start with connection

The Public Value Studio begins every project with identifying and working with partners. Whether it is with the local community, relevant stakeholders, or key organisations, the work is always founded on building partnerships and collaboration to deliver public value.

Mobilise unheard voices

The Public Value Studio seeks out the voices of those who might not otherwise feel engaged. It recognises that to understand what is valued collectively, policy and programs need to engage with groups that may be marginalised or feel disempowered.

Sustained outcomes

The Public Value Studio believes capacity building is at the core of any public value work, it defines success in sustained outcomes that are not reliant on one stakeholder. This can be through program design, governance structures and skill building.

Critical thinking

Through research, project evaluation and action-based learning, The Public Value Studio shares learnings and contributes to broad sector based knowledge and exchange.

Who is part of The Public Value Studio?

The Public Value Studio was founded by Emanuela Savini (Director) a recognised leader in cross sector partnerships, community engaged practice, public policy and management. Emanuela has extensive experience in developing policy and designing programs that leverage unique skills and resources across sectors. Further information regarding her experience can be found here.

The Public Value Studio also works with a variety of different associates and collaborators depending on the project. It consistently engages relevant community members on projects in a professional capacity.

Sarah Hussein (Project Associate) is a Community Development Professional who has extensive experience in working with various diverse and multicultural communities. Sarah thrives to work with her community to achieve social justice, gender equality and climate justice through designing and managing community-led events and programs. Further information regarding her experience can be found here